calm your mind, balance your body…

Breathe Yoga Chelsea
welcomes you

Breathe Yoga Lotus Flower

Begin where you are, release expectations…Breathe

It’s hard to sit comfortably when your mind is agitated or your body is in pain. In order to feel better, it’s important to find balance between our mind and body, and we do that by using the breath. It’s the foundation of all of our classes. We calm our mind and find more ease in our body by focusing on the connection to our breath in every moment.

If you’re feeling anxious or stressed, give yourself the gift of a little space in your day to do just one thing at a time. Come to a class, notice your breath, and feel the calm. Begin here, then layer on movements, hold postures, and simply be the compassionate observer of how you feel. No judgments or expectations. Just breathe, move, and notice sensations. With regular practice, you may find yourself not only feeling better, but maybe also calmer, stronger and more flexible too.

If you can breathe, you can do yoga
— Krishnamacharya

We Offer a Variety of Mixed Level Classes.

Whether you are looking for slower-paced or more dynamic classes, there is something for everyone to focus on finding more connection and peace within themselves and then take that practice from the mat, into the world.

  • Hatha Flow

  • Lunar Slowflow

  • Pilates

  • Ashtanga

  • VinYin

  • Slowflow

  • Vinyasa Flow

  • Gentle Yoga

  • Candlelit Yin

  • Rest & Restore

Hop to your mat and get ready for Spring! 🌼

$75 worth of classes, special events, and workshops for only $60.

Coupons cannot be combined. Must redeem by 5/5/25.

Spring Special!

Learn the fundamentals of yoga

This is the perfect place to begin your exploration of yoga. We will introduce you to each type of class we offer at Breathe. Discover what practice feels best in your body, and feel confident about continuing your practice in group classes from our regular schedule.

Discover the power of the wall

This session of our Exploration of Props series demonstrates how the wall helps deepen your practice by improving alignment, stability, and strength, allowing energy to flow freely. Join us for a fun and transformative experience exploring your practice at the wall!

Sunday, April 27th, 10:30am-12:00pm


New Client Special

Take advantage of this New Client Special for a discount $65 for your first month of unlimited membership. *charged at $95/month therafter

must enter code NEWCLIENT65 at checkout

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