Emily Seitz

Emily Seitz


Emily has been with Breathe Yoga since the start. She studied to be a yoga instructor at the Center for Yoga in Ann Arbor, MI. She enjoys bringing the experience of yoga to new people, and for the past 8 years she has taught classes in the Chelsea, Dexter and Grass lake community. In practicing her vision of health as a balance of the body and the mind, Emily is also a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and works at Henry Ford Allegiance Health in Jackson, MI.

For Emily, yoga is all about bringing a sense of balance to ones life. She understands how easy it is to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and forget to slow down and consciously breathe. Emily feels it is vital to take the time to reconnect and find that inner peace and balance within ourselves so we can tackle all that we receive in life in a more present frame of mind.

Lately, Emily’s favorite pose is Savasana because in the stillness of the pose the body starts to soften, the mind becomes quiet, and the breath is light and free. This pose ultimately helps her find true inner peace. When she is not pursuing her passions of nutrition and yoga, Emily is enjoying the moments of life with her husband and son at their lakeside home in Chelsea, MI